Hulu's limited crime thriller series 'Under the Bridge,' created by Quinn Shephard and based on the real-life story of the same name by Rebecca Godfrey in 1997, was released on April 17, 2024. It has a total of 8 episodes, although only the first two episodes have been released. The series received 83% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and 7.6 rating on IMDb. The top cast includes Lily Gladstone, Riley Keough, Vritika Gupta, Chloe Guidry, Izzy G, Javon Walton, Archie Panjabi, and Ezra Faroque Khan.
Lily Gladstone (Cam Bentland)
Gladstone is playing a detective named Cam Bentland. Cam is currently looking into Reena's murder. Cam faces difficulties because of Reena's background, but he is very determined to find justice in the right way. With the help of another person named Rebecca, Cam figures out why Reena was killed.
Riley Keough (Rebecca Godfrey)
Keough, an author who wrote about Reena's murder in "Under the Bridge." The real Godfrey passed away in 2022.
Vritika Gupta (Reena Virk)
Gupta, a girl who faced bullying and tragically lost her life. The motives behind her murder caused widespread concern about teenage violence.
Chloe Guidry (Josephine Bell)
Guidry, also known as Nicole Cook, who was involved in the assault on Reena. She went back to where it happened to hide things.
Izzy G. (Kelly Ellard)
Izzy G, one of Reena's attackers who faced trial multiple times for her involvement in the murder.
Javon Walton (Warren)
Javon Walton acts in the story as a murderer. Warren got punishment for being involved in the Reena's murder.
Archie Panjabi (Suman Virk)
Archie, Reena's mother, who advocated against bullying until her passing in 2018.
Ezra Faroque Khan (Manjit Virk)
Ezra, Suman's husband, who joined her efforts against violence after Reena's death.
In 1997, a girl named Reena Virk went to a party with her friends but never came back home.Writer Rebecca Godfrey and a police officer (Cam Bentland) try to find out what happened to Reena.
Keough, helps with Reena's case. Gladstone plays the police officer who helps. The series feels slow and emotional, like "The Killing," also a mystery series.
Each episode is long and comes out every week. But some parts of the story are shown too soon, which makes it less exciting. Keough and Gladstone act well, and the young actors too, bring energy to the series.
The teenager cast are in hard time and trying to figure out things. Some of them are not easy to like, but they all just want to be loved and understood.
Sometime the story jumps to the past and present, but it helps in explain things. But sometimes, it feels like we see the same things too many times, which makes the show feel slow.